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Death of an Indian National

Death of an Indian National


In the unfortunate event of the death of an Indian national in Türkiye, please follow the procedure outlined below:

  • Lodge a report with the police.
  • Inform the next of kin (NOK) in India.
  • Take the body to the hospital and obtain a death certificate.
  • Contact the casket company for embalming the body.
  • Contact any of the airlines flying to India to obtain the airline schedule and book
  • the passage of the casket. Normally the casket is charged by weight by the airlines.
  • Come to the Embassy with copies of the


  • police report,
  • death certificate,
  • embalming certificate,
  • medical certificates and
  • the passport of the deceased.
  • The Consulate will attest the certificate of registration of death and then cancel the passport. This will enable the body of the deceased to be carried to India.
  • In case the body is unclaimed, the Turkish Police will dispose it off after waiting for a week.
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